Homeschooling Information - Your Questions Answered by Carletta Sanders
Are you looking for homeschooling information? Here are answers to the top 5 questions about homeschooling:
1. What are the benefits to homeschooling?
Homeschooling has many benefits for both the student and the family as a whole. Children who are homeschooled have an opportunity to learn at their own pace in a method that suits their primary learning style. They also avoid many of the negative social interactions that take place in public school, and develop close bonds with parents and siblings.
Homeschooling statistics show that homeschoolers outperform public school students academically. Homeschool students are also more likely to be actively involved in their communities once they graduate from high school.
2. What are the disadvantages of homeschooling?
Parents who homeschool take on primary responsibility for the outcome of their children's education. They lack the free time of parents who send their children to public school, and they also have to purchase their children's homeschool materials in addition to paying school taxes.
Homeschool moms and dads must seek out social opportunities for their children instead of relying on school activities. In some cases, they may also face criticism from friends and family members. However, for most families, the homeschooling pros greatly outweigh the cons.
3. What about socialization?
Homeschoolers are able to avoid much of the peer pressure, teasing and bullying that occur in school, and instead focus on developing positive peer relationships.
Homeschool students can participate in a variety of social activities through homeschool co-ops, homeschooling support groups, community activities, sports teams and other organizations. Many parents begin homeschooling thinking they will have trouble finding social engagements for their children, and end up finding they have too many activities to choose from.
4. Is homeschooling legal?
Parents have the legal right to homeschool in all 50 states. Homeschool laws vary from state to state. For more information about homeschooling laws in your state, visit the Homeschool Legal Defense Association’s website.
5. Are parents qualified to teach their children?
Parents are their children's first teachers, and are more than qualified to home educate. Research has shown that the level of homeschooling qualifications has little effect on the a child's academic performance. Many pre-packaged curriculum programs come with teacher's guides and lesson plans that tell a parent how to teach certain concepts. Parents who do not have teaching certificates and college degrees can successfully teach their children.
About the Author
Here is some additional homeschooling information. For information and ideas delivered directly to your inbox, sign up for Carletta's homeschool newsletter.
Homeschooling Information
Preschool Learning
Ease Your Childs Education with Preschool Learning
Preschool learning is an important phase of all school going very young children.Preschool learning is designed for children who are of five years old or younger and plays a major role in the development of a child's education. With good preschool learning the child tends to perform better in future classes of schooling.
There are numerous schools providing various types of preschool learning with some of them having an aim of providing education while others only provide childcare with not much emphasis on education. Of course, it is always better to put yor child in preschool learning where early social skills are taught as they form an important part in the overall development of the child.
With preschool learning the child learns about the interpersonal interaction that occurs in the classroom. This skill has an important part in the future education of the child. Preschool learning also teaches classroom skills like listening to the teacher and following instructions of the teacher.
This skill of listening to the teacher and obeying instructions is a skill that has to be developed in the child so that he or she will be able to, and be willing to listen to instructions and orders of teachers of other classes. Preschool learning also develops the habit of becoming a part of a group of children. He or she learns that things have to be shared and that all the attention cannot be showered on them.
Formal education too is imparted in preschool learning just like reading and language skills, however, more than this formal education, it is the social skills that play an important part in the life of a child. With the developement of social skills, the child learns how to adjust with different children.
Some children who are always used to being pampered at home may find it difficult to adjust in school, when all his or her demands are not met. However, this adjustment has to be developed in such children as it is not always that everyone gets their demands and wants met.
Of course, formal education that is imparted in preschool learning is also very important for the developing child. They learn how to read, do mathmatics, learn the basics of science and get a basic idea of what the outside world is like and develop learning skills. With preschool learning the child learns to distinguish words, use language, solving problems with numbers and to read books.
All these traits are important for the child in future classes and education. Without this basic education, the child will find education to be a very difficult process and may sometimes hate going to school. This is because as all the other children that may have had preschool learning that the child did not have preschool learning may find studies more difficult than others.
About the Author
Thomas Hobbs is a parent of two children who has written a powerful preschool handbook that will enable parents to light up the eyes of their eager, creative and thinking children. Find out how the children in your life can expand their horizons at now.
How to Get Your Child to Like His Preschool
A child's education is the focal point of all parents. They plan to give the best of education to the child. So choosing the best preschool is the main priority for the child, so that the basic education of the child will be strong.However,though the parent may choose the best preschool for the child, it is not necessary that the child will like this best preschool.
After living for a few years in the security of the parents, the child is usually reluctant to go to preschool. The child feels that the parent is forcing the child into preschool, so it is important to first kindle some interest in the child to go to preschool. If there are other kids in the house, or in the neighbourhood to show the routine to the child so much the better.
The child getting ready to go to school, going to school, returning from school and doing studies all shows that the child going to school is a routine all kids have to go through. Once the child gets to know that children have to go to school, the first phase of getting them interested in preschool is achieved. When the child goes to preschool and returns it is up to you to show some interest in their studies.
Ask the child what was done in preschool and go all through what was taught. Of course all that may be taught to the child in preschool would be nursery rhymes, numbers, alphabet and some pointers on general knowledge.Never try to force the child into learning more than they have been taught. There is a certain syllabus that has to be followed by preschool children and that much is quite sufficient for the child.
Forcing them additional education will only end up in the child dreading going to school because of the mental strain he or she faces. Add some spice to the nursery rhymes by singing and dancing to the rhyme.The child will then develop some interest in learning that and many other nursery rhymes. Ask the child all about the preschool and learning experiences at the school.
Ask about the new friend he or she has made and what games were played in preschool. Usually there will be no problem amongst other children in the class, however, sometime there will be the problematic child in the class who may disturb and trouble all the other children.If this is the case and the child complains about the problems caused by other children it is important that you look into the matter and complain to the teacher.
Repeated harassment by the problematic child will make your child develop a hatred of school.
About the Author
Thomas Hobbs is a parent of two children who has written a powerful preschool handbook that will enable parents to light up the eyes of their eager, creative and thinking children. Find out how the children in your life can expand their horizons at now.
Homeschooling Methods
Homeschooling Methods - With Home Education, One Size Does NOT Fit All! by Carletta Sanders
Put away the chalkboard, desks and workbooks! Home education does not have to resemble traditional classroom education. When teaching at home, look for a method that fits your goals and your children's learning styles. Here are descriptions of the most popular homeschooling methods:
* Charlotte Mason - The Charlotte Mason method focuses on literature, short lessons and nature appreciation. In this homeschool method, children learn primarily through literature, which is referred to as "living books." Students acquire language arts and writing skills through the use of copywork, narration and dictation.
* Classical Homeschooling - Classical Homeschooling breaks learning into three stages known as the Trivium. These stages are grammar (birth through elementary school), logic (middle school) and rhetoric (high school). Each stage of the Trivium corresponds to a child's natural brain development. Classical homeschoolers focus on academic achievement, exposure to the great books of western civilization, and knowledge of Latin and Greek.
* Computer Based Homeschooling - Children who are visually oriented and prefer working alone may favor online or computer based homeschooling. Computer courses work well for children who are self-motivated and not easily distracted. These programs come with structured lessons and pre-planned schedules that help busy parents save time. Many of online courses also come with systems for grading and record keeping.
* Eclectic Homeschooling - This style of homeschooling involves choosing from a variety of methods depending on the needs of the child. An eclectic homeschooler may use traditional workbooks for some subjects and computer courses for others. Some eclectic homeschool families may even choose to unschool certain subjects.
* Montessori Homeschooling - The Montessori method focuses on learning through multi-sensory, self-directed activities. Parents serve as facilitators, not teachers, in a Montessori homeschool environment. Many Montessori activities mimic those that occur naturally in the home.
* Relaxed Homeschooling - Relaxed homeschoolers focus on tailoring education to fit the needs and goals of a child. In a relaxed homeschool, formal curriculum is used as needed, but many lessons occur naturally in the course of daily life.
* Traditional Textbooks - This method of homeschooling most closely resembles traditional school because of its reliance on textbooks and workbooks. Although some homeschoolers believe this style of homeschooling is dull and tedious, others enjoy the lesson plans, structure and successful outcomes of traditional workbook programs.
* Unit Studies - This homeschooling style combines the study of history, science, math and language arts into the study of a single theme. Homeschool unit studies are great for larger families who need to combine children of multiple ages, and hands-on learners who enjoy working on projects.
* Unschooling - Unschooling, or delight-directed learning, involves letting the child choose what he or she will study. Unschoolers focus preparing a learning environment and leaving their child free to explore it.
Home education will look different in each family, depending on the family's needs and goals. Take time to observe your children and assess their strengths and weaknesses. Don't be afraid to experiment until you find the homeschooling method that is right for you!
About the Author
Here is some additional information about homeschooling methods. Here is some information about learning styles. Carletta Sanders is a homeschool mom of three and creator of the website, Successful Homeschooling.
Speak Spanish
Why Should You Learn To Speak Spanish? by Terry Edwards
Learning a new language is something many of us would like to do, and learning how to speak Spanish is no different, but only a few know how to accomplish it. There is no question that it can be very hard to do and if the process is not correct to keep the students motivated and encouraged, the whole learning of the new language will just be a waste of time. The students should be comfortable at the pace of how the language is taught and is given.
Spanish is the main language used by more than four hundred million people all around the world. It is the national language of twenty three countries and Spanish is the second language of the United States of America where there are more than or around thirty eight million Spanish speakers. In the European Union, Spanish is one of the four major languages used alongside English, German and French and because of this, if one wants to be globally competitive in business, it is necessary to learn Spanish.
Wondering who or how many have decided to learn Spanish these days? Many of the people from the United States of America and also those people in Europe are now trying to learn Spanish and in other countries, some, but is also growing in number. All over the world, there are four hundred million Spanish speakers and because of this, Spanish is the third most popular language in the world after English and Chinese. Spanish is one of the languages wanting to be learned because of the number of people who knows how to speak Spanish and the quality it provides in communication in our lives.
There are many reasons to learn the Spanish language including:
1. It gives you a better understanding of connection of the English language and Spanish language because both are of Latin origin.
2. It gives you the ability to communicate to more people around the world.
3. Being able to learn Spanish enhances the quality of your communication skills and you will be able to freely express yourself to people.
4. Spanish language provides you with grounds to more easily learn French and German, which are Latin of origin.
5. The ability to speak Spanish gives you the upper hand in negotiating with contracts, projects, and proposals with Spanish people and companies from those who do not know how to speak the language.
6. It gives you the ability of looking for more and new opportunities for selling goods and products to countries and regions outside of your country.
Being able to learn how to speak Spanish has its privileges and benefits which will help you in your life and may be very useful in the future. It gives you an edge in communicating with people and understanding them all around the world. It would just take you a number of weeks or a month or two to learn something that would help you how to communicate with people and to be more competitive in business globally in any type of industry.
About the Author
You can find out more on How To Learn Spanish as well as much more on learning Spanish at
Back to School
Give Back to Kids Going Back to School
Vacations, late nights, sleeping in, and hours of playing video games each day are about to end for many children. These events will soon be replaced with meeting new and old friends, a daily schedule, sports and homework. It happens every year for many kids when school starts. Some children look forward to the new school year. Others wish it would never happen.
August is National Back to School Month and a good time to think about how you might give back to make this the best school year ever for at least one student. Consider the following ways to help and then start thinking of other unique ways you can contribute:
* Donate clothing. If you have children in your house, now would be a great time to find clothes that no longer fit. Donate them to a family in need or local charity. If your kids attend a school that wears uniforms, consider providing the uniforms to the school where they can put them to the best use.
* Be a Tutor. My son is learning things at his age that I was not taught until later years. This is great for those that are able to grasp the concepts. However, there are some that need additional help outside the classroom. Consider being a volunteer tutor.
* Be a Teacher's Aide. Teachers have a significant responsibility. I am thankful for those that teach. They should not have to do it alone. Ask a school or teacher what you can do. It might be helping to organize a room. It might be to support the school library. It might even be to help plan a school event. There are many ways you can contribute your time and be a tremendous help.
* Donate School Supplies. The cost of school supplies can be a major burden on some families. Consider donating money for school supplies or purchasing school supplies that will help one or more of these wonderful families.
* Adopt a College Student. Many college students do not live at home. They do not have the benefit of their own family near them everyday. For most, it is the first time they are away from home and their friends for a significant amount of time. Why don't you "adopt" a college student. Invite him or her to a home-cooked meal from time to time. Provide them a space they can get away from the campus.
The number of ways you can help students during the school year is unlimited. Seriously think about one or more ways you can make a difference in their lives this year. Don't stop at just thinking of a great idea. Make it a reality. The benefits you receive from doing it just might surprise you.
Source: Free Articles
About the Author
To learn more ways to give to others, sign up at for the free Everyday Giving ezine. Roger Carr is the founder of Everyday Giving.
Language Lesson
Free French Language Lesson - Great Choices For Free French Lessons Online by Dennis Cordy
Thanks to the internet we now have many more resource for learning to speak French than we ever had in the past. What's more you can start learning, the basics at least, using a number of sites that provide French language lessons absolutely free.
Over at the BBC website (the British Broadcasting Corporation) there are a number of really excellent starter courses for learning French. You can subscribe for a 12 week email course, you can take part in a quiz which tests your current level of French and suggests further study and, given a good internet connection, you can even take part in an interactive video course called 'Ma France' which covers a variety of subjects like eating out, asking directions, holidays, cooking and more. It's voiced by a native French speaker so you can hear what each French word sounds like. It's a superb way to start to learn French and it's absolutely free.
That's probably the most comprehensive set of French lessons but there are plenty of others. Just do a search on the internet and you'll find dozens. While writing this article I entered 'free French lesson' in Google and got over half a million results!
Of course a lot of those results are duplicates, and a lot of them are, frankly, rubbish, but if you take a bit of time to search around you'll find a few gems.
For instance, one thing I didn't find at the BBC was how to pronounce the French alphabet. Maybe it's there but I missed it, but it's not important because I found several other places with short audio clips so I could hear each letter.
A trawl around the internet will find free lessons for French days, weeks, months, greetings, food, clothes, romance, you name it there's somewhere online you can find the French for it!
The audio lessons or sound clips are the most useful, of course, because hearing the language is vital in understanding it and speaking it. Don't just rule out the sites that only offer written texts though - there's a lot there that can be useful too and the actual construction of French grammar is difficult to explain by sound alone - sometimes you need something written down.
I'm sure you'll come across some websites that you find frustrating. I certainly did. It's rather annoying, in my opinion, to click several times in search of French sound files only to discover that the written texts are free but you have to pay for sound. It's not that I object to paying necessarily, but I do object to being led along like that. Never mind, along with the benefits of the internet you're bound to find one or two sites that don't deliver.
Nevertheless, you can find free French lessons online and good ones at that. If they're limited in any way it's that those I've found can really only deal with the French language at the beginner level. Going on from that I'm afraid you'll have to pay. That said, there are some extremely good systems out there and many of those you can get a free sample of so you can try before you buy. Well worth looking into when you want to take your French lessons to the next level.
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Get free independent info on learning French plus six free professional French lessons at
College Entrance SAT
How to Prepare for the College Entrance SAT by Peter Franklin
Many people are afraid of the dreaded SAT, the longest, most comprehensive test most high school students will ever take. If they do poorly, they fear they will never be able to go to college. Although the test scores are a very bad judge of your actual intelligence or ability to succeed in life, your SAT scores unfortunately have a disproportionate impact on your college options. The good news is that it is easy for which to prepare.
Most colleges take your SAT scores into consideration. Many indicate that they will not accept students who score below a certain level on the test. Colleges know that it is not a measure of your I.Q. or a real measure of how likely you are to succeed; however it is a measure of the level of one's discipline to study and, frankly, an easy screening method for applicants.
It takes a lot of preparation time to review all the material that will be on the SAT and, most importantly, to familiarize yourself with the way the test is given. If you don’t understand the format, the test can be very confusing and intimidating. Below is a list of steps you can take to prepare for the SAT.
1. Take practice SAT's
There is no better preparation than taking practice SAT's and carefully reviewing your mistakes. You can find practice tests at book stores and online. For every time you take a practice test, your goal should be for your test score to improve by several points.
2. Brush up on Old Math
Much of the math on the SAT is from earlier level high school material, so even if you're good at math, you might not remember it. You need to re-read your old geometry and algebra books to do well in this section of the test.
3. Practice Your Vocabulary
Most of the verbal section of the SAT is based on vocabulary. The SAT frequently presents unusual words that sound like simpler words but have different meanings. If you have a limited vocabulary, it is very hard to expand it in a matter of weeks, but it can be helpful to try.
4. Become a Writer
Writing is a skill that only gets better with practice. Try writing a few SAT-style essays every day and you will soon be able to do them quickly and without being nervous.
5. Be Well Rested and Fed
Make sure you get a lot of sleep the night before the test. In the morning, eat a huge breakfast of something that won’t bother your stomach. Definitely get to the test location with plenty of time to spare.
6. Don't Guess
If you read a multiple choice question on the SAT and have no idea of the answer and are unable to eliminate any of the choices as incorrect answers, your odds of guessing and getting it right are low. You are better off skipping the question altogether. Skipping a question will negatively impact your score less than getting the answer wrong.
Having said that, if you have a multiple choice question and are able to narrow down the correct answer between one choice or another, that would be worth making an educated guess since then your odds are much better at getting it correct.
The SAT is a long, dull test, so don’t be nervous. Also, try to take the SAT early so you have time to take it again if you are not happy with your score. Regardless how many times you take the SAT, colleges accept your highest score for their consideration of admittance to their school.
About the Author
For practical college & university selection information, please visit, a popular site providing insights concerning issues that help you with college choices such as New York fashion colleges and many more!
Graduation Day
Graduation Day by Gordon Intl
This day is a milestone in your child's life, whether it is a preschool to kindergarten, grade school to middle or High school graduation. They are all important and days you want to remember with pictures, mementos of the day and things like that. Of course, there has to be a small get together afterwards to celebrate the new graduate's advancement.
The pictures of your graduate in his or her graduation gown will be cherished forever and will have a place of honor on your wall for years to come in their frames or display cases. There are numerous keepsakes you can purchase as well for appreciation gifts for people who helped out along the way.
While you are awaiting the big day there are numerous awards and things that your student can be awarded as signs of excellence in their learning on the way to High School Graduation. In the early years, it is simple to give a little get together for a job well done for your preschooler to kindergarten, or grade school milestones but as your child gets older, they might want a party, but not like they did as kids who are happy with a few friends and their favorite relatives! Nevertheless, let us concentrate on the younger graduates now. Get your graduate to be in on the planning, make a guest list of friends and relatives they want to have as guests; after all, it isn't fair if you invite them all since, it is his or her day right? Decide on games and a menu geared to the younger set.
Pizza, sandwich pockets, makes your own tacos simple fare that usually has appeal to everyone. Now, make the invitations. A little graduation hat is nice, so is a diploma style tied with a ribbon and do not forget the RSVP! Send these out in plenty of time for the guests to receive them and respond.
Then comes the graduation cake, this is always a hit at any party! This is usually served in between the games you have picked out to play like water balloon toss, maybe a piñata, pin the tail on the donkey simple yet fun for the kiddies. You can also get white t shirts and hand them out as the guests arrive along with a magic marker then the kids can go around and sign each other's shirts for a memento of their graduation day.
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Author writing articles dealing with product line relation etc
Leadership Studies
Leadership Studies Produce Better Managers by Michael Bustamante
The business world today highly values managers who can be leaders, and formal leadership studies will give you an edge over the competition. The first step you should take is to find good business schools, vocational schools, colleges and universities offering courses in leadership.
To earn a certificate or degree in business management commonly involves learning the foundations of leadership - its history, theory, application and development. Courses can cover topics in organizational management, including consulting, design, intervention, and evaluation. Leadership courses can also involve subjects in communications, conflict resolution and negotiation skills.
If you are seeking to attain a business degree with an emphasis in leadership, your class subjects will be a bit more varied and in-depth than a standard certificate program; and of course, will be longer in course duration. A good leadership degree program will include instruction in organizational research, analysis and problem solving, effective project management and team building, sociology, and the various technological aspects of the field.
Graduates can apply their education toward numerous occupational fields that require effective leaders. Just to name a few careers requiring leadership: counselors, public speakers, managers, politicians, physicians, business entrepreneurs, and many others.
If you want to learn to be a leader, be sure you get some good training under your belt. Contact colleges and universities on our website today and submit a request for more information about leadership studies today.
DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on our website.
Study Japanese
5 Reasons Why You Must Study Japanese by Dinah Leabeau
There are various reasons why you should visit Japan and learn Japanese. It could be the booming economy, gorgeous landscapes, ancient culture, or lovely people. This list will definitely persuade you.
You can learn Japanese for many reasons. Japan has breathtaking landscapes, interesting people, a thriving economy, and an ancient culture. You will be hard pressed to pick your best reason, though this incomplete list will try to convince you; and if it does not, then perhaps a visit to Japan will convince you. But first, take a peek at the list.
Acclaimed Director Akira Kurosawa
You have missed out on the best movies of all time if you have not seen Akira Kurosawa's art works. The sweeping landscapes, exciting scenes, painstaking attention to detail, amazing stories, and timeless appeal make his films - Seven Samurai, Ran, Throne of Blood, and Dreams, to name a few - a must for any avid movie buff. And because most of his films are in his native language, you should speak Japanese to see them in all their pure glory.
You'll probably think Japanese anime weird if you are used to Disney and Pixar animations. The speech bubbles, over-the-top physical features, and onomatopoeic typography aside, it does possess gripping storylines and charming adorable creatures. To appreciate the likes of Dragon Ball Z and Naruto, study Japanese.
Chindogu, A Japanese Art
Among the various Japanese art forms such as origami, ikebana, and tea ceremony, the chindogu is the most note-worthy. This art form is all about inventing everyday gadgets with the best intentions, but result in being useless anyway. As a matter of fact, the only thing these gadgets achieve is bringing on the laughs.
Maybe you're interested in a hay fever hat, which is a tissue dispenser atop your head? Or maybe you want to keep your hair away from your bowl of noodles with a noodle-eater hairguard? You might be able to turn these chindogu gadgets into profitable items if you speak to the inventor; hence, why you have to learn Japanese. Strange things like these do occur.
Japanese Dishes
Although Japanese food might look very basic on the surface, it actually requires a lot of effort and attention to detail. Study Japanese to prepare Japanese food the right way. This way, you'll be able to quickly grasp the terms used and know the names of the dishes.
Japanese Fashion
Japan's garish street fashion cannot be topped, even by New York. You will love the avant garde costumes such as Kogals, Bosozoku, Lolitas, and Ganguros donned by young people in Tokyo.
Japan also has the quickest rising economy in the world. Not only that, the Japanese are also the third largest Internet users. The business opportunities offered by the country is numerous. If you still require a reason to study Japanese, this should be good enough.
The world's fastest growing economy is also the Japanese one. The third largest Internet users all over the world are also the Japanese. Consider the business ventures that the country has to give. If you still need a reason to study Japanese, this must be sufficient.
About the Author
Want to learn Japanese online in a short span of time? Get our 6 Day Speak Japanese Free Course. Learn to speak Japanese now for free with
Scholarships Online
Finding Unique Scholarships Online
By: Amber Lowery
Article Summary: Not all scholarships are academic scholarships that consider only the straight A, honor-roll students. Many relatively unknown scholarships are available. We show you how to find these unusual scholarships online.
So, like most people you are likely reeling from the cost of college these days. Scholarships seem like a great option to lessen the blow to your wallet. But, you may be wondering if they are achievable for the average student.
The good news is they most certainly are. Not all scholarships are academic scholarships that consider only the straight A, honor-roll students. Many relatively unknown scholarships are available. For example, have you heard about the duct tape prom dress scholarship? Or, what about the scholarship that's just for tall people?
Yes, those scholarships are real. And, there are many others out there like them. But, how in the world do you go about finding one the suits you (or your students) quirks?
The information is out there, much of it online. Here are 3 Simple Tips for locating unusual scholarships online:
1. Use Search Engines - Using Google search for "left hand scholarships" (with quotes) if you are left handed. Insert your various unique qualities and / or hobbies. Don't overlook small things, like hair color, eye color, height, etc... You never know what you will find!
2. Sign Up For a Scholarship Database - There are many scholarship databases online, some free, some paid. These databases usually contain a fairly comprehensive list of available scholarships. We review several popular databases on our site.
3.Visit message boards and forums - A search on your favorite search engine for "scholarship forum" or "scholarship message board" will likely provide you with a wealth of resources. Visit active forums to network with other students who are looking for scholarships. Interesting scholarshipswill likely get talked about. This is a great way of getting "in the know".
With a bit of time and effort, you can uncover real gems. Unusual and quirky scholarships do exist, you just need to find them. The internet can be a great tool to mine for these treasures.
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About the Author:
Amber Lowery
Amber Lowery writes for several online portals. To find out more about Scholarships, visit
College Scholarships
College Scholarships
By: smgenie
Article Summary: If you are thinking of attending a college or university within the next year, be sure to research the scholarships available for your line of study or college of choice. Scholarships normally do not have to be repaid like other forms of financial aid.
Due to ever-increasing costs of going to college, it is a good idea to search out available scholarships and apply for them. Scholarships are one of the most enticing forms of financial aid available today. This is because they are available to anyone without any repayment requirements! Many scholarships are overlooked and therefore are a missed opportunity for many students.
If students know about scholarships, they can apply for them, but many students do not know that college scholarships exist. Most students do not understand that there are scholarships obtainable to them, which could pay a major part of their education. In fact, the college scholarship can be used for any educational opportunity. This is includes private or public college, junior college or four-year universities, graduate or certificate programs.
What are college scholarships?
College Scholarships programs come in a variety of forms, which are normally considered free college money. College scholarships, unlike loans, do not have to be repaid. Scholarships can be awarded directly to students in a form of a check or to the school itself. You can receive a scholarship from any of the following types of organizations: charitable foundations, businesses, schools, universities, government agencies, and sometimes-even clubs or groups within the school.
Who can get college scholarships?
Although many scholarships are granted based on grades, this is a misconception. There are scholarships for less than perfect academics as long as you meet the other requirements. They range from athletic scholarships, to community service scholarships.
Many scholarship providers want to reward students for choosing a particular school or state. It is believed by older students that only college-bound high school seniors can apply for scholarship awards, this is not true. Scholarships are accessible for all levels of college study, from freshman undergrads to graduate students. You will need to make sure that you check the requirements for each scholarship for which you apply.
How do students find college scholarships?
It takes some time and energy to find and apply for scholarships, but the hard work will most likely pay off. You can sometimes find them by asking department heads if there are available scholarships, in the department you will major in.
Some student's use highly regarded and accurate scholarship search services on the Internet to save time in the searching process. This is highly recommended. Online resources are a good idea as long as the website offers updated, current data and a way to match the student with the scholarship.
High school students can ask their guidance counselors about their eligibility for local or state scholarship awards. You should also make sure that you contact the financial aid office at the school you plan to attend, to see if they qualify for awards issued by the school. Finally yet importantly, students should ask their parents and friends to be on the lookout for scholarships, while always checking local bulletin boards and newspapers for additional scholarship listings.
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Get A Scholarship
How To Get A Scholarship For Graduate Students
After a person has graduated from college and started working for a few years, they seldom find that they cannot move any further in their careers without increasing their credentials and additional qualifications.
There is a need for a higher education these days that even a Bachelor's degree for four years is not enough to get the best career offers. Having a bachelor's degree does not bring bigger opportunities that it has given them.
A lot of graduates aim to finish a master's degree but fail to have one because it is expensive. This is true especially in business management courses and the sciences.
If you want to move up to the corporate ladder, you need to have a Doctorate or Master's degree. If you think that it is too expensive and your budget cannot afford a bit of it, there are still ways on how to enroll for a master's degree. You can apply a scholarship for graduate students.
Graduate school surely costs a lot so you need a scholarship for graduate students to ease the burden. Some of the graduate students get intimidated when it comes to graduate school. If you have experienced having scholarships during college, you will not find it hard to apply for a scholarship for graduate students because you can have access with your previous performance.
Many scholarships for graduate students work in the same way as the college scholarships, which make it manageable except that there are specific awards that are intended to fund a law degree, master's degree or a doctorate program. There is also similar and advanced study for endeavors. You might wonder how and where these scholarships for graduate students get their funds.
The funds that scholarships for graduate students get their funds through large corporations and companies but sometimes, it is attached to relate to future work related requirements. Sometimes, you will find a scholarship for graduate students, which will require service after the scholarship.
Finding a scholarship for graduate students is easy but it may have some problems. The availability will depend on the subject that an applicant wishes to study and not all of the awards are recognized and advertised through the usual channels. It may also take hours of research in order to come up with a couple of results that you can qualify for. This often discourages people and the awards remain unclaimed too.
Some scholarships for graduate students will look at the awards that you have. The higher awards you have, the higher chances you will be awarded of having lesser fees. The award will determine and subsidize a portion of your payments and you will be able to attend school with the scholarship.
In applying for scholarship for graduate students, you will encounter some questions and you will be required to input your full information. After that, a specialist will see if your qualifications match opportunities and see if you can be granted with a scholarship.
If you want to get a scholarship for graduate students easily, you can register with a company that is related to your standards and qualifications. Your existing awards should match so that you will be granted and recognized and you will be able to use it for your scholarship application.
In applying for a scholarship for graduate students, you need to be specific with your subject and complete all the requirements and keep all your awards because it helps a lot.
Source: Free Articles
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About the Author
S. Stammberger is the editor of Grants United. Learn all you need to know about scholarships, grants, and other financial aids.
Scholarship Programs
Scholarship Programs: Obtaining a College Degree The Easy Way
Getting a college degree is one of the steps towards landing a good-paying job later on. Every single job positions today require an individual with a baccalaureate degree obtained from an accredited college or university. In other words, it is important that you have a college degree which will serve as your passport in getting a good-paying job in the future.
All high school graduates are eligible on obtaining a college degree. However, there are some students that can not continue their college studies due to lack of money. Unlike in high school, the cost of getting a college degree is expensive. In addition, as you go on with your studies, the cost every year is increasing. If your parents are just simple office employees and you have siblings who are still studying in their elementary or high school education, it will be just hard for them to sustain your college education.
Fortunately, college scholarship programs are now available for you in case your parents can not fund your college education. These scholarship programs will be the one to sustain your expenses while studying. It includes payments of all the fees and on some cases, giving you monthly allowances (depending on the scholarship program you enrolled with). All of these will be given to you in exchange for a strict compliance of their terms and conditions while availing their program.
Good Grades: Way of Getting a Scholarship
There are many ways of obtaining a scholarship. The conventional way is from the grades that you have obtained during your high school years. If you are the valedictorian or salutatorian of your high school class and you have good scholastic achievement test (SAT) scores, most likely you will be getting either a full or a partial scholarship grant. All you have to do is to inquire on the school of your choice if they are giving such scholarships or there are other organizations that will take care of it.
Common Scholarship Programs
Your good high school grades and SAT scores is your passport in getting a scholarship. It is time that you choose the scholarship program that you will be able to maintain with while studying. Here is a list of common programs you can apply for.
? College Scholarship
It is a scholarship program that is awarded by the college itself. Once passed the application, the college where you study is willing to shoulder the expenses that you will incur during the course provided that you abide to the terms and condition specified in the contract.
? Athletic Scholarship
This program offers scholarship for highly-gifted student athletes. Generally, one of the conditions in exchange for funding your studies is to be one of the pool of athletes that will be representing your school in either state or national sports event.
? Departmental Scholarship
It is awarded by a specific department of a college to either attract or retain students for courses run by that particular department. The terms and conditions that will be applied are just the same when getting a college scholarship. They are focusing mainly on the academic capability of their grantees.
? Privately-funded Scholarships
There are also private organizations that are willing to shoulder your college expenses. These organizations are usually private companies who want to attract students into a particular line of work which they are into or civic organizations such as Masons, Elks, or Rotary which offers scholarship if one of your family member is a part of their organization.
There are many opportunities you can avail in order to finance your college studies. All you need to have is good academic records and of course, your dedication in getting your college degree.
Source: Free Articles
About the Author
S. Stammberger is the editor of Financial Aid Tips. Learn all you need to know about scholarships, grants, and other financial aids.
Scholarship Grants
Application Tips For Government Scholarship Grants
When you are applying for a government issued scholarship, there are a few things you can do to greatly increase your chances of getting the grant. First and foremost, you should aim on starting your search for what grants you are going to apply for early. The reason for this is due to the fact that many
1. Apply Early, Apply Often
Start your research early using Scholarship Search. Give an allowable time for researching scholarships so that you have many options to choose from, request information and application materials and complete your application. Be sure to apply as early as you can because sometimes it takes months for the administration of the government to process the forms you give them. Their correspondence is also sent by mail, so you have to allow for 4 to 6 weeks time for delivery.
2. Application Tips
- Read the eligibility requirements carefully
- Organize all scholarship materials by creating a separate file for each scholarship
- Have your highschool transcript ready
- Have your SIN number ready as well as two pieces of photo identification
- Have your parent's financial information and tax returns ready
- Prewrite an essay
- Get letters of recommendation written for you
- If you are applying to an arts program have a portfolio ready
- Always follow instructions
3. When Applying, Remember The Following
First, you will want to quickly double-check your application if you are using the same information to apply to multiple scholarship grants. Be sure you have not left any incorrect names or blank fields. Again, it can not be stressed enough that you need to apply early. In some cases applications that are recieved late are not processed at all or stored on file - they get shredded and go right in the garbage.
4. Taxes That Relate To Government Scholarship Grants
You need to report any grants that you get from the government when doing your taxes. Amounts you are receiving from a scholarship or fellowship are used for tuition and fees required for enrolment or attendance at the educational institution such as books, supplies and equipment required for courses of instruction. The amounts you received are not as payments for your services however if it is under the National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program or the Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship and Financial Assistance Program, the amount is tax free without regard to any services you are oblige to perform. Gross income amounts used for incidental expenses such as room and board, travel and optional equipment are included as well as amounts received as payments for teaching, research and other services required as a recipient of a scholarship or fellowship grant. You may have to make estimated tax payments if in case any part of your scholarship or fellowship grant is taxable.
Source: Free Articles
About the Author
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Reggae Music
The Origins of Reggae Music by Nor Nan
Reggae music actually has a very long history, possibly a longer history than some other kinds of music. Although it is believed that reggae is derived from many different kinds of music, its exact origins still remain a mystery. However one thing that we can be certain of is that reggae has its origins in the Caribbean, and it has been played there for a very long time. Local people in the Caribbean use this kind of music for both entertainment and for specific purposes. Since becoming popular in the rest of the world, reggae has taken its place at the top of all the types of music that influence many of the world's population.
In fact, it is quite obvious now that reggae has been used and applied with many different types of music to create new musical genres such as pop, rock and folk music. However, it is quite surprising that even though reggae has very unique characteristics, still they can perfectly merge into other kinds of music very smoothly. You may have heard many songs that are a combination of reggae and other kinds of music as mentioned earlier.
Hopefully, the information presented so far has been relevant. You might also want to consider the following. However, when you read up to this paragraph, you may become more eager to know about the place of the origin of reggae music. Let's guess! Yes, some of you may already know that it came from Jamaica. So, where is Jamaica then? Jamaica is a small island nation of the Greater Antilles.
In fact, Jamaica is also the home of other kinds of music too. As many of you may be aware, the Caribbean islands are the home of many different kinds of music native to the region, such as calypso, ska and so on, and reggae is one of these.
Even nowadays, as mentioned before, reggae is influencing many kinds of contemporary music. I would like to give you some more valid examples. In the modern music world, everybody has heard of hip hop. Hip hop music is very popular among teenagers and young adults. However, the secret is that hip hop music is one of the music types that has its background in reggae music.
Also, if we take a close look, we discover that another type of music called rap music is also derived from reggae. Therefore, it is quite obvious that reggae, apart from being popular in its own right, has developed into other styles of music to produce completely new music that can engage a big audience covering different age groups.
However, people who still love the original reggae style will probably not change their tastes, because they still love the original rhythm and lyrics of reggae, as well as their favorite reggae singers. You can't predict when knowing something extra about reggae music will come in handy. If you have learnt anything new about the keyword of this article, you should file the article where you can find it again.
You can use music to relieve stress and feel relaxed by Melina Menny
Did you know that you can easily use music to relieve stress and feel relaxed? In fact, music is one of the most effective tools for relaxation. That is not really surprising. We have all experienced the power of music to bring about alterations in our mood. That is why people play Rock at parties, not Blues; while others listen to soft music before going to bed. This property of music makes it and effective tool for calming the mind.
Relieving stress effectively is an art. Unfortunately, not many of us are good at it. I mean, it is so easy to blow your top when things get bad, right? Many people often say that diversion techniques only work for a while, and soon they are back to stressing about work, family, finance or whatever it is that bothers them.
But, have you ever wondered how a small minority of people manage to keep their cool even in the face of their toughest problems? Would it not be nice to have the same coping skills that they have? In today’s fast-paced world where results are everything, coping with stress effectively could turn your life around.
Did you know that you can easily use music to relieve stress and feel relaxed? In fact, music is one of the most effective tools for relaxation. That is not really surprising. We have all experienced the power of music to bring about alterations in our mood. That is why people play Rock at parties, not Blues; while others listen to soft music before going to bed. This property of music makes it and effective tool for calming the mind.
Music that is used for stress relief opens your mind and releases the negative emotions pent up in your mind. It helps you to let go and induces a calming atmosphere within the mind. That is why many professional therapists use music in their therapy rooms.
Your choice of stress relief music depends on your personal tastes. While one person may like to listen to the soothing strains of Kobialka, another person may simply want a repetitive melody. Whether you listen to familiar melodies or soft, instrumental music, these peaceful strains will help you feel rejuvenated and uplifted. It might sound funny, but it is as if by listening to peaceful outer sounds, we are finally able to enjoy the calm of our minds!
Regardless of whatever kind of stress relief music you like, you now have the ability to get it from popular online sources. Whether you are looking for classical music, Asian-inspired rhythmic music, folk melodies or a particular sound like the sound of water washing over the ocean, you can find a plethora of music CDs to relieve stress and feel relaxed. The right kind of sounds can decrease stress levels tremendously. It is even said that the right kind of music can take you into a deep sense of self-awareness and almost to the verge of a self-induced trance. You can now take advantage of the healing properties of music by getting yourself some stress relief music CDs.
Sauna Alternative
Home Renovations, Adding A Sauna Alternative
For a long time, if you wanted to enjoy the benefits of a sauna, you had to find a local gym or other facility that offered such luxuries. Many people often did this, as there are several health advantages associated with such comforts. In more recent years, however, it has become quite possible to add a sauna, or a sauna alternative to your own home.
While it is true that adding a sauna can be a major undertaking, it might not be as difficult as you think. Today, there are many different types of home kits available. These sauna kits come pre-fabricated, and are equipped with detailed instructions outlining what you need to know before you begin, and how to construct the actual sauna. The more difficult part is doing your homework before you begin.
Space is an important fact, as it will determine the size and possibly the type of sauna you decide to build. Fortunately, there are professionals who will be able to answer your questions so you know what you're getting into before you begin.
You have many choices to make when building a home sauna. First, you will want to decide whether or not you want an indoor or outdoor sauna. There are benefits to having both, so it is advisable to research them carefully before making this decision. Second, you will need to decide whether you want a wet or dry sauna. Again, there are advantages to both, so it is important to learn what they are before getting started. Once you have made these decisions, you are ready to choose your sauna. From there, it is just a matter of constructing it. If you do not wish to build a sauna from a pre-fabricated kit, you might consider hiring contractors and builders who will customize it to your liking. That, however, can prove to be the biggest undertaking, as it gets expensive rather quickly. There are other sauna alternatives that might work for you if you do not wish to take on such a large project.
Many people have begun installing steam showers in their own bathrooms. This might be a viable alternative if you do not have sufficient space to build a sauna, do not have the funds, or would like your steam shower to be in a convenient, already constructed location. Like pre-fabricated sauna kits, steam showers are relatively easy to install. They are fully sealed enclosures that can be installed anywhere a conventional shower or bathtub would be placed, and give you some of the same benefits as an actual sauna. Like saunas, they produce steam, which makes you sweat, and therefore, rids your body of unwanted toxins. They are also relaxing, and can be just as enjoyable as a conventional sauna. They are considerably easier to install because they are in a structure that is already built, and they don't take up too much room.
Whether you decide to install an actual sauna, or a steam shower or steam bath alternative, know both the risks and advantages of owning them. Know how to use them properly, and how they can benefit you. Remember, a little information goes a long way toward hours of enjoyment and relaxation, not to mention good health.
Bath Accessories
How Using Ceramic Bath Accessories Can Leave Your Bathroom Looking Fresh
Do you have a favorite room in your home? This is different for everyone, for some it's the living room with feet propped up watching TV, for others it's their bedroom and still others may prefer the kitchen, particularly teenagers! For many though, the bathroom is their favorite, especially for ladies, I have a theory that this the reason all the newer homes being built in my area are including large bathrooms. For many people the bathroom is a place of solitude and meditation that they can't get anywhere else in the home. For so many people, they treat the bathroom as their fortress and want it to be clean, comfortable, and cozy which had a lot to do with the colors and bathroom accessories that you choose.
If you truly want your bathroom to be high quality and make it as nice as possible you must use the best quality products and blend the design, colors, and styles with the theme you have in mind for your room.
Ceramic bath accessories make for very high quality bathroom accessories that present a luxurious appearance. You can choose from such items as soap dishes, a lotion dispenser, toothbrush holder, waste basket, tumbler, and many other ceramic bathroom accessories.
For superior bathroom accessories, choosing to use ceramic bath accessories can give your bathroom a clean and elegant appearance. Let your bathroom be a reflection of your personality, if you are the type that has a personality that appreciates finer things, I'm sure your bathroom reflects that aspect.
Choosing ceramic bathroom accessories can change the entire look of your bathroom and endow your lavatories and shower areas with a fresh, clean new look. The many home accessories sites online have all the diverse ceramic bath accessories that you can look through and choose to make your bathroom as elegant as you want. In addition, they have many small items you may not have even thought of that you need for little extras for you bathroom needs.
The majority of the sites feature bathroom accessories produced by ceramic manufacturers who are known for their quality products. Their collective concern is to really give you the best choices for the quality and comfort you deserve when improving your bathroom.
The feeling of being fresh, contentment, serenity, and privacy that only your bathroom can provide is difficult to match. You will begin spending more time taking bubble baths and long soaking baths to make the most of the moments you enjoy having in your newly improved bathroom.
Industry Is Booming
Work At Home Industry Is Booming
Whether downsized, outsourced, or sick and tired of cubicle hell, more people are earning their living by working at home. The work at home industry is booming with a diverse lot of income earning opportunities. People of all skill and education levels can find a niche in this market.
Technology has enabled former office rats to do their work at home. Armed with a computer, fax, and telephone, employees from back office data entry to management staff are able to perform part or all of their jobs at home. The telecommuting option is appreciated by workers as it allows them more freedom and control over the work day and more time to spend with families. Companies find that this set up often improves employee morale and productivity.
Net Work
Earning money via the Internet has become an increasingly popular option in the work at home industry. Chances are you know someone who sells merchandise on eBay. Many online merchants are working out of their homes. The Internet offers a wealth of opportunities for writers to earn a living at the keyboard. People with an Internet-based career often start on a part-time basis while working their regular office gig. Once their "web job" takes off, they escape the office grind for full-time work at home.
Home Base
Another option in the work at home industry is a home-based business where you go out in the field to provide services for customers. This is a wide open opportunity - think of any product or service that people need and, viola, you have a business. The senior population is exploding. Start an elder service that helps seniors with light housekeeping, grooming, and transportation. Two career families and busy folks in general equal a business for you running errands such as shopping, chauffeuring kids, and picking up dry cleaning.
You can strike out on your own with these home-based businesses or buy a franchise. Franchises offer a brand name people know and trust along with marketing support from the headquarters office. Start up costs can be out of reach for a lot of people, however, there are hundreds of franchise options in the work at home industry that will fit with small budgets.
Scam Alert
The Internet and print and broadcast media are full of ads for great-sounding work at home opportunities. Sadly, the work at home industry is full of scam companies that advertise high income home-based jobs. Some ads are specific while others are vague and keep you in the dark about the exact nature of the pie in the sky venture.
Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Do your research before you plunge into any work at home opportunity. Talk with others who are working at home. Check out franchises or Internet opportunities with the Better Business Bureau. Despite the scam artists, there are thousands of options in the work at home industry and one of them will suit you.
Financial Advisor
Hiring a Financial Advisor
When hiring a financial advisor you don't want to simply hire someone who looks like they know what they are doing, but rather a financial advisor that knows what they are doing and has proof. You will need to ask your potential financial advisor several questions in order to get a real feel of whether this financial advisor is skilled or has no clue how to advise you on money matters. You will be able to find a financial advisor who is going to really help you with your finances by simply asking the following questions.
First of all, you want to ask the potential financial advisor what kind of education he/she has. This is important because a quality financial planner will have educating supporting this field of work, as well as credentials, continuing education certificates and the like. You will also want to ask what kind of experience the individual has as a financial advisor and how long the individual has been working as a financial advisor. This information will enlighten you as to the type of financial planner you are considering hiring.
Another question that should be offered to the potential financial advisor is how they receive payment. Does this particular financial advisor charge an hourly rate, work only on commission, or have some other fee schedule? You will need to know up front how the financial planner plans on billing you before you agree to let them advise you on your finances.
Asking the financial advisor for referrals, especially past clients, is a great way to know if the financial advisor is for real and has been successful with other clients. If the financial advisor does not have any referrals, you might be skeptical about this particular financial advisor.
Finally, ask the financial advisor to give you an outline of what will be covered and how he/she can help you reach your financial goals. An experienced financial advisor will be able to tell you several topics he/she will want to cover with you.
Getting a Job
Top Tips for Getting a Job on a Cruise Ship!
By: Neil Maxwell Keys
Article Summary: This article gives people looking for jobs on board cruise ships some great tips on how to apply and what the cruise line companies are looking for in a successful application.
It is important when seeking a job in the cruise industry to do lots of research. The Internet is a great tool with lots of information available for the job hunter. You need to learn how to apply, what jobs are available, and what skills are needed for the jobs.
When doing your research, determine which job appeals to you. Don't just send in an application for "any position available". The cruise line will think that you are only doing this for fun and they probably won't take your application seriously. Always remember that ideally cruise lines want serious, committed people who will hopefully stay around for a while. It costs good money to keep finding and training new hires that only stay for one contract. Okay, maybe in your eyes this job is only for a year or two whilst you save a bit of money, see the world and think about what you REALLY want to do with your life… and that’s fine. But don’t mention that to the cruise line!
Try to make sure that all your skills and experience are targeted and worded to meet the requirements of a specific job. For example, if you apply to one cruise line for a job as a Casino Slot Technician, then everything on your resume will be tailored to back this up and strengthen your case. If at the same time you also apply to a different cruise line for a job in the onboard Gift Shops, then you will adjust your resume by rearranging and rewording it slightly to now back this position up.
Some jobs require specialized experience or education, especially for positions such as aerobics instructors, photographers, and youth counselors. Others, including general cruise staff and retail positions, don't. All, however, demand excellent customer service skills. Your best bet to break into this industry is to use the experience that you already have and market it to your advantage. But really you should be willing to accept any position that you qualify for. Once you've got a job on a cruise ship, you can always use your contacts to move into the areas you really desire.
Other jobs are often only available to those who have worked on cruise ships previously. For example, bar tender, purser, and tour staff are very popular jobs on board. Cruise ships like to reward employees who have demonstrated the skills needed to work with demanding passengers by filling these jobs from within the current list of outstanding crew members.
Therefore, just because you worked as a bar tender or a waiter ashore does not necessarily mean you will be able to easily secure one of these jobs on board. You may have to start out as a room steward (or stewardess) and work up to waiter, bar tender or office staff.
Jobs in the engine room or on deck are also sometimes difficult to obtain unless you are of the same nationality as the ship's officers. When doing your research, determine what the nationality of the ship's crew is. If your background doesn't match, it will be difficult to get a job in the engine room or on deck. Most ship's officers are Norwegian, Greek, or Italian, with a handful of British and American ships. In addition, many of the technical crew jobs in the engine room or on deck are staffed with Filipinos.
The cruise lines are very particular about the job application process. If your resume/CV or application package is inaccurate, incomplete, poorly written, or goes to the wrong person, you have wasted your time and money. Each different cruise line job may require a different contract or a different application process. Be sure to read carefully when applying.
Also, beware that there is a lot of incorrect and outdated cruise ship job information available for free and for sale. Don't purchase anything without checking it out first. What motive does the website have for giving away free information? And do they continually update it? What's more, the author of a book must be able to prove his or her credentials. It goes without saying that they must have actually WORKED onboard a cruise ship before and have some kind of track record in helping people get jobs on cruise ships. The information they are selling must also be accurate and up-to-date.
Since most cruises ships cater to Americans and other English-speaking travelers, it is important that you speak English. All cruise ship workers need a valid passport and if you're not an American or Canadian citizen then you'll also need a Seafarers visa. This visa is for seamen and allows you to work in United States' ports for a limited number of hours/days.
In summary, finding a job on a cruise ship can require a lot of research and time to seek out the position and company that's right for you. It also requires the applicant to properly complete the necessary paperwork and to have the correct work visas and passport. Cruise ship jobs can be hardwork. But I've always found that the benefits far outweigh the negatives. After all you do get PAID to see the world and get to meet and make friends with people of all different nationalities. Friendships that might last a lifetime!
Boat Ship Shape
Keeping Your Boat Ship Shape!
By: Simon White
Article Summary: Regularly maintaining your boat will ensure you protect your investment. Regularly rinse with fresh water. Use a marine soap rather than a household cleaner.
If you have a new or used boat for sale, remember - first impressions count.
We've put together a handy guide to help you keep your boat in ship shape and Bristol fashion!
What You'll Need
Soft Rags, Wax, Soap, Sponge, Squeegee Compound (for removing deep scratches), Scrub Brush, Boat pole and scrub brush attachment, Hose with a water source
Wash Your Boat
Rinsing your boat regularly with freshwater, will reduce the amount of time needed to wash and wax your boat. Start by spraying the entire boat with a fine spray. Not only do you rinse the outside, but also the inside and under side of the top. If it's a sail boat, try to hit as high up on the mast and rigging as possible. It takes a minute or two for dry salt crystals to dissolve completely, so after a few minutes hose it down thoroughly then give it a final rinse, starting from the top and moving doing the hull sides last. If you have an outboard boat, don't forget to do the engines, including the undersides of the mount brackets.
Washing your boat with a high-quality marine soap, rather than a standard household cleaner is kinder to the boat. Domestic cleaning solutions have very high alkaline levels and will strip the wax off your boat's hull a lot faster than a specialist marine soap. It could also scratch the gelcoat if they are not removed thoroughly.
Use a soft bristled deck brush for cleaning cushions and canvas and never use a brush on any plastic curtains. Imitation lamb's wool brushes are the least abrasive on bright finishes. For tougher areas, choose a natural bristle brush. Avoid stiff bristles as these will scratch.
Always dry your boat thoroughly. Whatever drying method you choose, be sure to remove water before the water spots appear.
Wax Your Boat
One of the most important parts of the waxing process is to properly prepare the surface. Use a fibreglass hull cleaner to remove barnacles and algae. Boat wax usually contains powerful acid cleaner so always take precautions to avoid breathing the fumes and protect your skin. Be careful not get on any metal, as this will cause corrosion. Use lots of clean rags when waxing your boat.
Oxidized Gelcoats
If you choose to use an oxidation remover, start with the least aggressive rubbing compound available. If your boat's gelcoat is oxidized but not too severely i.e. if it has a moderate-dull look, choose a fine rubbing compound. Remember, when using abrasives they will actually remove the gelcoat. If your gelcoat is severely oxidized, talk to your local boat yard and have it done professionally.
Of course, is time is of the essence and money is no object, you could always use a professional boat cleaning service. These are becoming increasingly popular in the sailing world.
Be Green!
Most cleaning products contain chemicals which disrupt the reproductive cycle of fish. Detergents containing phosphates may result in damage to aquatic life. Products used on boat hulls and decks may contain chlorine, ammonia, potassium hydroxide and solvents, also harmful to the aquatic environment.
Remember! For the best overall maintenance for your boat, preventative care is the key. Take time to rinse, clean and wax your boat regularly and your boat will keep ship shape for years to come.